Q: Without weapons and armours, how can you fight?
A: The answer is simple, U CAN´T!
So after this you stay like "Oh no how can i fight to survive" or something like that. We got the solution for you! You just need to find a weaponsmith and a armoursmith that you trust and witch are not to expensive, and now you stay like "I don´t know nobody with that profession!". Well we have the solution for you once again. We have beeing contacting some weaponsmiths and armoursmiths, and we could make a contract whit these players:
-Joana_miguel (Weaponsmith) - World: Ares
-Yo_dude (Armoursmith) - World: Ares
If you want a new armour or weapon, just go to the coment section below and say your name in AO and say what lvl you are and also the lvl of weapon or armor you want so we can get in contact with the the weaponsiths and armoursmiths above.
If you are a producer and want to be knowed and earn some extra money go to the coment section below and tell us that you want to make part of the team.
Tank you for the atencion, we hope you coolaborate.
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